Jon's first blog of 2020
Unlike most members I’m actually not trying to grow a big business… gasp! I don’t want a website and will probably stick to a single social media channel, Twitter by way of a voice. The members of the Chambers are already very well-connected and blogging occasionally and tweeting suits my communication style and starts the conversation.
I have spent a lifetime in corporate comms, corporate video production & photography and up till quite recently flat out getting leading edge 3D tech start up ready for investment. We moved down here last year to be closer to grandchildren, (although to be honest my partner delivering one of them on the upstairs landing last year did redefine what closer meant).
Over the years clients have included British Gas, VW, Ray-Ban, United Distillers, Bacardi, Halifax, NHBC, Northern Food Group, Shandwick PR, Bose, Costain, Skills for Care, Deutsche Bank etc. and for a decade I produced most of Thames Waters media for internal & external comms on everything from portraits of the main board for the annual report to video’s and 3D animations of the massive engineering tasks around the Tideway Tunnel and groundbreaking Beckton Desalination Plant. I know a lot about voles, newts and chalk streams too and that's why I love my job.
I've picked up a few hats on the way too, as director, lighting cameraman, sounds recordist, editor, interviewer photography and more. Rather scarily when I looked at the Chambers website I realised I had direct experience in virtually every sector mentioned Eeeek😊!
The last decade has also seen a shift in my focus over to areas that matter to me, areas where I could genuinely make a difference by bringing my production skills and values to Social Care, Social Housing, Suicide Prevention and Learning Disability projects for the UK’s largest supported housing provider. I am dyslexic and therefore I do have a learning disability and don’t do anything by the book because I haven’t read it, but I do like writing so thank god for spoll chuckers!
After 4 decades of daft deadlines I need to spend a bit more time being called “Jonpa” by a 2 year old who has just learned that saying “bum” gets a laugh and his young brother who can only aspire to such comedic showmanship. However “work life balance” does include work and as I have always loved what I do I’ve recently updated all my shooting and production facilities to be #futureproof

So…the challenge I have set myself is to start 2020 with a blank canvas and build a new portfolio and showreel based exclusively on work for members. To get the ball rolling I have offered my time for free on a video-based project for the East Sussex Credit Union.
I have lit, shot and directed thousands of interviews over the years; these images are from a video I shot for Deutsche Bank last year. Having understood the Deutsche Bank’s brand identity I could then build in to the look of the footage; every brand and organisation has its own style so every shoot looks different.

My thinking is that over my career I have acquired a lot of useful experience and skills that members, particularly the smaller companies and not for profit organisations might like to tap in to as I can bring the big company production values to pretty much any visual media.
Having had a good surf, one area I know I can make a difference in is corporate portraiture or in 'Jon speak' pictures of people. I’m not a fan of the “conventional” studio stuff, my natural style is more about capturing the moment usually in a work related space and in a style that is right for you. So if you want to spruce up the shots of you and your team for 2020 I’d be delighted to help.
Fancy a Coffee?
I’d also be delighted to drop by and share a coffee break with you, we could have a quick review of your media together and you are welcome to pick my brains to see if any of the skills and experience I have acquired over my career might be of value in your plans for 2020.
For the next few months there will be some very generous deals on the table as I build my network. I have always relied solely on word of mouth, recommendations and my work to promote what I do.
If you need a single shot in a hurry for social media/web site or print or maybe a quick photoshop job, no problem I’m always happy to help. Offering this kind of reactive service has always been a great way to get to know people, start building lasting relationships and have some fun in the process, chemistry is especially important for us creative types.
Thanks for reading and to find out why my Twitter handle is @chicustard you will just have to follow me… or email me ...or go old school and call 07831 832 439