Thursday, 7 March 2013

Behind a simple concept is a broader vision

Behind a simple concept is a broader vision that can benefit so many & provide an income for charities.
Copyright Jon Bryant 2013 

So what am I looking for?

My lone voice even with my directors hat on lacks the influence required for this project, it needs organisations or groups to work together to get behind the project acting if you like as project champions in their particular sector be it housing, mental health, advocacy, rehabilitation, life skills learning disability etc.   

I am in discussions with several national charities to make specific tools for their needs and also to then make it available for purchase, thus creating a revenue stream. As the visual language is a non verbal form of communication language is not a barrier, therefore the opportunities for those who get behind it are  not just limited to the UK regards sales

Because of the considerable endorsement/validation from the mental health professionals who want to use it for their work I now feel completely confident that what I have created is fit for purpose in the housing sector. It also means that anything new I produce will benefit from their expertise, input and their full endorsement.

 My Vision for the Tenancy Agreement

If you havn't seen how a 43 page legal tenancy looks in my visual language here you are:

Any individual housing group or association producing their own version needs deep pockets to do a proper job and many are far too small anyway. I try to make every project I work on a benchmark, by which others are judged in that particular sector, it’s always been a good creative driver for me.

 Concept for Housing

The logical way forwards as I always see it is… Rather than individual housing organisations spending valuable resources to produce their own version, if they for example got together and created a central pot to fund a generic version e.g. unbranded and not site specific, this would tick lots of boxes. Everyone needs to understand their tenancy agreement and this would ensure that.

It has a “benevolent” aspect to it as well as it would mean that even the smallest players in the housing sectors could then access an off the shelf solution at a price they could afford, it also raises ability for the sector to meet their equality and diversity objectives.

There are a lot of housing people out there! So given the volume for a very small outlay landlords are actually getting all the benefits of a £17k project to ensure their tenants understand their rights and responsibilities.

The version you may have seen is designed to work on any platform, I am also looking to create and app.

 Different Options for the Housing Sector

For the slightly bigger players or any that want it, I could offer a simple “branded” but not personalised version, where we “badge it” as you see TV channels do it, usually top right of screen.

Take the branding forwards to next level, I could modify the menus and intro etc. to reflect their corporate design manual  and their organisation but essentially nothing else changes.

The final level/option is to change all the backgrounds so they are now shots that show an organisation’s own properties.  I designed the project to make this possible without too much effort, so that contains the costs for the future.

All of the above use the generic version as the "base metal" and as I have worked with brands like Pepsi, RayBan, Porche, VW, BT, Halifax NHBC etc. I have a good working knowledge of brand identity and design matters. 

 Logical Next Steps

Having invested so much time and love in this project and having been of work for 18 months with now resolved health matters, yippee:)  I can’t afford to personally fund the next and very important step. I need to communicate with as many different landlords from across the country as I can in order to identify exactly what needs to go in to the final generic version. It can all be done on-line so costs will be sensible but absolutely vital we meet everyone’s needs.

Once that is done I will need to fund the re design of the generic graphics to ensure a good long shelf life of circa 10 years I can then produce it in all the useful formats for all platforms.

As I have other business interests I would need take a “royalty” on sales and mentor a start up rather than become bogged down with repetitive production work which is not my thing these days. I am very drawn to creating work and training opportunities for people especially with learning disabilities if the chance arises.


The visual language will continue to be developed as it has a role in communicating so many things. I am in discussions on the mental health side re making image cards that people with learning difficulties or any form of verbal communication can select and prepare to take with them to hospital to help tell staff of their needs. It even works for simple tasks like shopping so I intend to build up a library over time.

I know it is a big ambition but to me its just common sense and elegant because everyone wins and I do mean everyone!
My Personal Pitch

I have a very broad skills set and solid track record in comms and video production so forgive the cross sell but I am up for anything that’s going right now. Here is a page about my background, I also create 3D modelling and have developed some very clever software for asset management in housing sectors, it's on trial with the Environment Agency currently but I would be delighted to demo it for anyone who is interested.
Copyright Jon Bryant 2013